Sunday, December 20, 2009

Merry Christmas from Team Brookshire

Merry Christmas from Team Brookshire,

We missed the boat on getting our family Christmas card out in a timely manner so now we are relying on technology to fill the gap. The year started out with Nate still in Baghdad and the rest of the team at Fort Campbell. He returned in March and we packed up and headed for Fort Leonard Wood Missouri, home of the Military Police Corps Regiment to attend CCC (Captains Career Course). is a rundown of some key events and the team;

Rhiannon is now age 9 and is continuing to amaze us with her thirst for knowledge and ability to stump her parents...we are very grateful for Google and an excellent post library.

Maegan is now 7 and is the planner of the Family....she planned her Birthday in November starting in January....we named it Maeggapallooza! A great family tradition and she started planning 2010 the day after.

Joshua A.K.A. "Wild Man" earns his nickname daily...most people sum it up with "he is all boy". From downing a whole bottle of coffee creamer with a "um that's good" to moonwalking in his tux at a friend's daughters wedding...never a dull moment!

The twins...A and B...are growing at a rapid pace and are due in the summer. Thanks for your prayers, present and future.

As most of you know we are on orders to Hawaii...we are excited and will believe it when we are sitting on the beach with our bottoms on the sand and our feet in the water. After 19 years in the Army this may be our last duty station...only time and Uncle Sam will tell.

We have had a wonderful and busy year here in the Ozarks and have been blessed to meet and spend time with a group that has enriched our lives. From the Coffee Group to the Campbell Crew our short time here has been well spent!

All the Best in 2010!

Merry Christmas!

Team Brookshire


  1. merry christmas to team brookshire.
    you have my respect and appreciation.
    kevin hogan
    author of the 168 hour week

  2. Aloha and Happy Holidays! We can't wait for you guys to get here!

    Mele Kalikimaka!

    Aaron, Tanja, and Sophia Arp
